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Table of contents

1. Privacy and Cookies

Our Privacy Notice applies to any personal data shared on our Website.
Our Cookie Policy applies to the use of cookies and similar technology on our Website.
If anything is unclear or if you would like to discuss further with stadi.com.vn about these Terms or about our Website, please see How to Contact Us below.

2. Your use of our Website

To use our Website and/or post your content, you must be 16 years of age or older (or must obtain consent from your parent or legal guardian to use and/or post your content). download your content on our Website).
If you choose or are required to register on our Website, please ensure that the information you provide is true and correct. In the event of any changes to such information, please let us know immediately.
Please feel free to explore our Website and, if available, please contribute content to the Website, such as questions, comments, posts, ratings and reviews, information and multimedia content. media (e.g. images, videos, music, sounds, illustrations)
Your User Content and your use of our Website must be legal and subject to these Terms.
Your use of our Website and your User Content may not:
(a) harm, harass or injure another person or infringe upon the rights of others, including privacy, image rights and similar rights;
(b) abuse or violate any intellectual property right, or contain confidential or proprietary information about you or any other person or entity, or which you have no right to make public ;
(c) illegal, damaging to the reputation of other individuals or organizations (including for stadi.com.vn), obscene, vulgar, threatening, abusive, racist, or xenophobic, promotes or incites intolerance, hatred or violence, or is offensive, objectionable or inappropriate;
(d) contains advertising or other promotional offers;
(e) is untrue, dishonest, misleading or malicious, impersonating another person or misrepresenting your identity or any other information about you;
(f) spreading viruses, computer worms or other malicious code, checking for vulnerabilities on our Website, leading to security problems, damaging, disabling or overloading the Website , or jeopardize, disrupt, overload, harm, degrade or interfere with the operation or integrity of the Website or the systems or networks connected to our Website or to others. use the Website.
You may not and may not attempt to: (a) mass, automatically or systematically exploit our Website or use our Website to create, or use in a Website, service or facility. other databases, or attempt to resell or redistribute; (b) decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or simplify the code used in the software on our Website into a human readable form; or (c) use any link, information extraction tool, robot probe, crawler, indexing tool, Internet program, or other automated device, program or algorithm or any similar method to use, access, copy, collect, display, input, store, search, create or monitor any part of the Our Website or Content.
Please note that stadi.com.vn may immediately, without prior notice, delete any of your User Content and/or suspend or terminate your use of our Website if they I assume that you are not complying with these Terms. We may, but are not obligated to, in our sole discretion monitor and review as well as edit, delete or refuse to post any of your User Content at any time.
In all cases, you must be responsible and careful when creating and making available your User Content. You undertake to comply with these Terms. You may be liable to us or to third parties for not doing so. We may but are not obligated to report relevant violations of these Terms to regulatory and law enforcement authorities.
Please let us know immediately if you have any complaints about User Content.

3. Intellectual Property

All content on our Website, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, illustrations, trademarks, trademarks, logos, video, audio, music, user interfaces and code (collectively, the “Content”), as well as the look and feel of the Content, are owned by us or our licensors and are protected by copyright, trademark rights, patents, overall commercial image, database rights/proprietary rights and other intellectual property rights.
Trademarks, logos, characters and service marks displayed on our Website or used as domain names (collectively, “Trademarks”) belong to stadi.com.vn. and we are licensed or licensed to use.
The content on our Website and in these Terms should not be construed as licensing or granting the right to use any Trademarks. You should note that stadi.com.vn will vigorously enforce its intellectual property rights to the extent permitted by law.
You may only access and copy excerpts from our Website for your own and non-commercial use, provided that in all cases you respect the integrity of the Content and must retain (and not remove, modify, or in any other way compromise the integrity of such Content) any copyright notices in respect of such Content.
[® Trademarks are the property of stadi.com.vn. All rights reserved.]
You may not use, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, publicly display, broadcast, publish, encode, translate, transmit or otherwise distribute any part of the Website and its Contents. us in any way to any computer, server, Website or any other way for commercial purposes without the express prior written consent of stadi.com.vn. All other rights are reserved. Except as expressly set forth in these Terms, any use of our Website, Trademarks or Content is strictly prohibited. You must obtain our prior authorization for any other use of the Website or our Content, including any commercial use for which we may, in our sole discretion, license license or set conditions of use.

4. Your User Content

To post your content on the Website, you must be 16 years of age or older (or must obtain parental or legal guardian consent to post your content on our Website).
You warrant that: (a) you are the author and sole owner of your User Content and/or you are able to grant us the Agreements Under Use rights below because you have author/owner of your User Content and any content therein or authorized by any person referred to in your User Content (and if the authors/owners or the person is a minor, permission must be obtained from their parent or caregiver); and (b) Your User Content complies with these Terms by us.
If you work for stadi.com.vn or for another business that works with stadi.com.vn, you must state that relationship.
You agree to grant to us and our affiliates all rights, permissions, permissions, consents and worldwide licenses that are non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and non-exclusive. revocable and entirely transferable for use, copying, modification, adaptation, translation, publication, public display, distribution, sale, incorporation into other materials and creation of derivative works. derived from your User Content (with or without your name or other names you have submitted with your User Content) in any form and by any means for commercial purposes or other purposes (including but not limited to advertising, marketing and promotional materials) without limitation or infringement, including to modify and adapt your User Content, and without have any approval or consent from you or any other person or subject to any payment or credit to you or any other person.
Any feedback, suggestions, information, data, ideas, documents, questions or comments that you provide on our Website will be treated as non-confidential. You agree to grant stadi.com.vn all rights to use such feedback and materials on an unrestricted basis for any purpose, including but not limited to reproduction, disclosure , transmit, publish, broadcast and post. In particular, we are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or methods contained in any communication you send to the Website for any purpose, including but not limited to: developing, manufacturing, advertising and marketing products using such information. Any such use is free of charge to the informants or to anyone else. Please note that stadi.com.vn has the sole discretion to decide whether or not to use your User Content and that stadi.com.vn may have developed (or may in the future develop) similar content. or have obtained such content from other sources, in which case all intellectual property rights in such content remain with stadi.com.vn and its licensors to stadi.com.vn.

5. Website Content - Disclaimer

The materials provided by the Website (including graphics, software, proposals and other materials) and any materials contained on the Website are provided "as is" and without warranties under any of any kind, express or implied. To the fullest extent permitted pursuant to applicable law, stadi.com.vn disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. stadi.com.vn does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or results of using the materials on the Site as to their correctness, accuracy, reliability or other characteristics. . The material on the Website may be technically incorrect or contain typographical errors. These documents may be inaccurate or become inaccurate as a result of additional revisions occurring after the date stated on the document. stadi.com.vn has no obligation to verify or guarantee the accuracy of such information. Because some jurisdictions do not allow a limitation of time for implied warranties, or an exception or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the foregoing limitations may not applies to you.

6. Website Operation - Disclaimer

Stadi.com.vn endeavors to maintain the Site and its operation, but is not and cannot be responsible for the results of any defects that may exist in the Site and its operation. With respect to the operation of the Website, stadi.com.vn disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a purpose. specifically, ownership and non-infringement. stadi.com.vn does not warrant that (i) the operation of the Website meets the requirements of the user; (ii) access to the Website shall be uninterrupted, timely, secure, free of viruses, worms, Trojans or other malicious components, or free from defects or errors; (iii) the results you may obtain when using the Website will be accurate or reliable; or (iv) the defect will be repaired. You (not stadi.com.vn) bear all costs of maintenance, repair or modification that may be necessary for your computer equipment and software due to viruses, bugs or any other problem anything else you encounter while accessing the Website. Because some jurisdictions do not allow a limitation of time for implied warranties, or an exception or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the foregoing limitations may not applies to you.